Monday, March 26, 2012

problem with japanese character 俱

Hi All,
Create a table , and put in some row Xど and 俱
and fire a query something like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE
(myColumn = 'Xど')
it gives me right result.
But if i fire
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE (myColumn = '俱')
It does not return any result for the same even if myColumn has '俱'.
Surprisnly if i fire query like "SELECT * FROM mytable" it
correctly dispalys 俱.
What's the reason for the same ? Why does it is not able to search me on
this japanese character(俱).Collation is Japanese_Unicode_CI_AS
Please don't multi-post. If you really need to post in multiple
newsgroups, you should cross-post (post only one time, but with both
newsgroups in the To: field).
I've responded to this question in the
microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming newsgroup.

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